Seminar 6 : CNS
Introduction to CNS
Spinal pathways
The brain
Nervous system throughout the body
Embryology and motility of CNS
Ventricules and surrounding structures
Seminar 7 : Trauma, emotions and viscera
Limbic system, emotions and hormones
Peter Levine’s work on trauma
Aero-digestive tract
Heart, pericardium, vascularization and ignition
Lungs, breathing ignition
Holistic digestive system
Peritoneum and its visceral attachments
Organs bit by bit : oesophagus, stomac, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, caecum, bowel, liver, gall blader, pancreas, kidneys, blader and uro-genitals organs.
Organ expressions and clinical considerations
Digestive system and umbilical emotions
Practice development : Acute vs chronic conditions, treating bad pathologies, short, middle or long term relationship with your clients.
Seminar 8 : Cranium, face and TMJ
Anatomical landmark of the cranium
Cranial embryology
Neuro-cranium and surrounding structures
Viscero-cranium and surrounding structures
Pharyngeal arches, fluid field of constitution
Temporo-Mandibular Junction
Hyoid bone
Cranial bones and structural dynamics
Vascularization and drainage of the brain
Veinous sinuses in the RTMs
Face : maxillary, vomer, palatin, zygomatic and pterygoid
Intra-oral work : teeth and TMJ
Nervous system of social engagement
Seminar 9 : Neuro-endocrino-immunology, NEI
Principles of immunity
BCST and immunity, immunity of CNS
Bone marrow
Thymus and spleen
Lymphatic system
Limbic system and emotional brain
State of alertness and reticular formation
Ressources of immune system and immune organs
The fluid matrix : hormonal and molecular
Regulation of Neuro-Endocrin-Immune system (NEI)
Seminar 10 : Integration
Review and deepening of the whole method
Indications and contre-indication to the method
Professional practice development
Dynamic stillness in depth
State of quiescence
Presence and healing
The healing power of stillness
Second cycle Final exam