
Silentouch® Biodynamic Cranio-Sacral Therapy: Accreditations

The Silentouch® institute is a training institute registered in France with SIRET number: 83958034700012

During its development, the Silentouch® Institute has gained recognition and we are proud to present to you the different accreditations received over time.

The Silentouch® institute is accredited by CranioSuisse® for its training in the Complementary Cranio-Sacral Therapy Method

Regarding the federal diploma, the orTra TC recognizes the Silentouch® training through its accreditation to CranioSuisse®

We are accredited by the RME for our training in Biodynamic Cranio-Sacral Therapy

We are recognized by the SBFI for training in Cranio-Sacral Biodynamic Therapy for preparation for the federal diploma

Students wishing to register for Silentouch® training should know that there are prerequisites:

1: Have a diploma equivalent to the baccalaureate level

2: Have completed basic medical training of at least 150 hours

3: For the path to the federal diploma it will be necessary to validate the common core (950 hours) which is training for all candidates for the federal diploma regardless of the different methods. The Silentouch® Institute only provides training services relating to the TC method. (see: IDMET, CranioSuisse®)

The training in Switzerland is held in Brenles 1683 in the Canton of Vaud, the photos below are those of our new space at .

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